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2024 Epiphany Party

Posted by Thomas Morrow on

2024 Epiphany Party FOR SINGLE CATHOLICS (21 and up) – 24th Annual Epiphany Party at St. Raphael Church, 1513 Dunster Rd., Rockville, MD 20854; Saturday, Jan 13; starting at 7 pm. BLACK TIE OPTIONAL. Includes delicious Ledo’s lasagne dinner, complementary wine and beer, DJ, speed dating and more. Send $22 check donation by Jan 5 to SCS Epiphany Party, St. Raphael, 1590 Kimblewick Rd., Rockville, MD 20854, Or $24 online by credit card at by Jan. 8 or $28 cash, card or check at the door.) For more info. text Fr. T. Morrow at 240-426-5589.

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Posted by Thomas Morrow on

Clean Movies for Families Christian Movies and Family Friendly Movies for Streaming   Christian and family friendly Movies (Fr. Morrow’s list) If you have any other recommendations, kindly email the name of the movie and two sentences about it to Fr. at Greater – True story of Brian Burlesworth, who barely made the Arkansas football team, but through very hard work, became an all-American and was drafted in the NFL. He died in an auto accident before he got to play even one game. His brother prays for acceptance.Woodlawn – True story of Tony Nathan, running back for Woodlawn High School in...

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